Category Archives: From the Pastor

From the Pastor — October 11th, 2020

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are looking at several options, mostly on-line, especially for the lower grades. Our immediate concern is to celebrate First Holy Communion [postponed from last May] on Saturday, October 17th at 10:30am FIRST HOLY COMMUNION. This will be celebrated in the upper church where masks are required and participants are to sign in…

From the Pastor – September 27th 2020

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are looking at several options, mostly on-line especially for the lower grades. Our next priority is to celebrate First Confessions [postponed from March], and First Holy Communion [postponed from last May]. Here are the new dates for the 2019-2020 religious education year: FIRST CONFESSIONS: Sat., October 3rd at 10:30am. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:…

From the Pastor – August 8, 2020

ASSUMPTION The Solemnity of the Assumption, Saturday August 15th, is not a holy day of obligation this year. YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST Remember, Cardinal Sean has proclaimed a Year of the Eucharist so that we might grow in our understanding, appreciation and love of this great gift. The Catholic Church teaches that the bread and…

From the Pastor – July 12

YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST Cardinal Sean has proclaimed a Year of the Eucharist so that we might grow in our understanding and appreciation of this great gift. The Catholic Church teaches that the bread and wine at Mass become the Body and Blood of Christ, and not merely symbols. Originally set to begin last Holy…

From the Pastor – July 5, 2020

THANK YOU There was a typo in our bulletin two weeks ago. It reads that “thank you to the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality for their $2,000 donation to the parish.” The right note is Thanks to the Holy Name Society for their $3,000 donation to the parish. YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST Cardinal Sean has proclaimed…