Holy Thursday Collection
The Holy Thursday Collection is for Operation Rice Bowl. Please convert the rice bowl contents to dollars bills or a check and place in an envelope marked Rice Bowl. Thank you
The Holy Thursday Collection is for Operation Rice Bowl. Please convert the rice bowl contents to dollars bills or a check and place in an envelope marked Rice Bowl. Thank you
BLESSING OF THE FOOD The traditional blessing of food for the Easter meal will take place in the Parish Center on Holy Saturday, April 3rd at 4pm, followed by Confessions until 5pm. EASTER COLLECTION The entire collection at the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses goes to the Clergy Benefit Trust for the retired and…
Weekend Collection: March 18, 2021 Weekly Goal $6,500.00 Envelopes $3,639.00 Make up envelopes $1,837.00 Money not in envelopes $509.00 $5,985.00 Goal +/ (-) (-$515.00) Gifts $1,060.00 Thank you for your faithful support Remember Your Parish in Your will
Saturday, March 27 2:00pm Baptisms-Spanish 4:00pm Mario Giarrusso, Grace Ciofolo (Birthday), Linda A. Bellia Hartley (23rd Anniv.), Francesca & Alfio Ardizzone, John Dadducci, Antonio & Mary Ferrara (Easter rem.), Vincent & Jeanne Bolis (Easter rem.), Richard “Dick” Tatarunis (M.M.M.), In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Fatima Sunday, March 28 Palm Sunday of The Lord’s Passion…
For those who are not yet attending Mass or are unable to attend Mass. The Blessed Palms will be available Sunday, March 28 from 2:00PM to 4:00PM in the Church parking lot.
Holy Thursday • There should be no washing of the feet. • Processions should be minimized, and strict social distancing should be observed in any procession. Good Friday • Since we are not using missalettes and cannot distribute materials in the pews, the Passion should be read in some format that does not require the…
Weekend Collection: February 28, 2021 Weekly Goal $6,500.00 Envelopes $3,463.00 Make up envelopes $2,395.00 Money not in envelopes $425.00 Grand Total: $6,283.00 Goal +/ (-) ($-217.00) Weekend Collection: March 7, 2021 Weekly Goal $6,500.00 Envelopes $3,726.00 Make up envelopes $2,594.00 Money not in envelopes $593.00 Grand Total: $6,913.00 Goal +/ (-) $413.00 2ⁿᵈ Collection: Parish…
Saturday, March 20 First Day of Spring 4:00pm For all the parishioners, Barbara lncropera (M M M ), Helena Napolitano (3rd Anniv ). Sunday, March 21 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 9:00am Italian / English Mass-Grace Auclair 10:30am Stanislawa Bajgrowicz, ln thanksgiving to St Rita (F F R ), Maria D’Amico (M M M ) 12:00pm…
We will be collecting your contributions for the Easter Flowers as usual. You may use the envelope designated for the Flowers found in your packet, or use the bottom of this page or look up for this coupon in the printed bulletin, whichever you prefer. Donations will be accepted through Easter Sunday. If you use…
To walk as one Half way through the first week of Lent, my friend’s 6-year old was asking, “Why do I have to be nice to my sister again?” And for the umpteenth time, the youngster received yet another lesson on the meaning of doing good deeds during Lent. It was never clear if the…