Category Archives: News

Mass Intentions – January 31th to February 7th, 2021

Saturday, January 30 4:00pm For all the parishioners, Salvatore & Catherine Branca, Rachel Kaslow, Lucy & Armand Aufiero, In thanksgiving to St. Jude. Sunday, January 31 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:00am Giuseppe & Petrina Giuffrida & Carmelo & Giuseppina Mazzotta 10:30am Salvatore & Julia Licciardi, Daniel “Dany’ Pierro, Special intention for Lucyna Szczebiot 12:00pm…

St. Rita’s Sodality Dues Collection

It’s time to collect your yearly dues. Since we cannot meet in person to collect dues in January, kindly send your $20 to: Saint Rita Sodality, Corpus Christi Parish, 35 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840. (No need to send your book.) Thank you! The St. Rita Sodality Officers

Collection for the Church in Latin America

This weekend we take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America! Many people in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have access to Church programs and ministries because of a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers. Your generosity makes it possible for our brothers and sisters in…

Mass Intentions – January 23th to January 31st, 2021

Saturday, January 23 4:00pm Philip Gangi, Jr. (Birthday) & Philip Gangi, Sr. (Anniv.), James Victorioso (Birthday) & dec’d family. Nellie Conte (1st Anniv.), Susan Arcidiacono (1st Anniv.), Helena & Thomas Napolitano & dec’d family, David & Elaine Pickles & dec’d family, Mary & Scott Fama & dec’d family Sunday, January 24 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY…

Mass Intentions – January 16th to January 24th, 2021

Saturday, January 16 4:00pm Sarah & Salvatore Zappala (Anniversary) Constance (Sappala) McKiernan. Sunday, January 17 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time 9:00am Italian/English Mass. 10:30am Danuta Prochocka.(1st week remembrance) 12:00pm Spanish Mass – For all parishioners. Monday, January 18 12:05pm Henry Rossi Giantonio. Tuesday, January 19 12:05pm For all parishioners Wednesday, January 20 12:05pm Antonio &…

Eucharistic Adoration

You are invited to join in our weekly Eucharistic Adoration. Every Friday the lower church is open from 9 a.m. through 7 p.m. Please give a half hour or hour of your time to come in and pray for your special intentions and those of our parish.