Category Archives: Parish Fair 2021

Thanks and Thanks Again!!

As we gather this weekend, so many of our parishioners have been working tirelessly at the Parish Center on the Parish Fair. This annual fund-raiser, which is so important for the welfare of our Parish, is only successful because of the commitment and generosity of so many. On behalf of the entire Parish we extend…

Pot of Gold Tickets

Please send by mail the tickets stubs to the Parish Center (20 Common Street, Lawrence, MA 01840) or put them in the collection basket on Sundays as soon as possible. Remember to clearly mark the envelopes Pot of Gold tickets. Thank you for your support

Children’s Corner at the Fair

The Children’s Corner is looking for: Wrapped Individual Candy Donations. New School Supplies. New Small Toys. New Craft Sets. New Games. Your donations can be dropped off at the Parish Center on the designated times. Thank you in advance for your generous support. Audrey Feliciano