
Confirmation Celebration

This Wednesday, April 10th, Bishop Hennessey will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people here at Corpus Christi with a Mass at 6:00p.m. Please keep the students, their families, and their catechists in your prayers.

Divine Mercy Sunday

2:45p.m. Holy Hour and Adoration 3:00p.m. Chaplet of Mercy, Talk & Benediction Veneration of the Image of the Divine Mercy. Confessions will be offered during the Holy Hour

Special Collection

This weekend we will have a second collection for the Parish Maintenance. Please be generous and thank you for your support.

Patriot’s Day Holiday 2021

The Rectory will be closed this Monday April 19ᵗʰ in observance of the Holiday: Patriot’s Day. The Mass will be celebrated at 12:05 p.m. in the Parish Center.

Special Collection

We will have a second collection for the Parish Maintenance. Please be generous & thank you for your support.

Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Please join us at this special event in honoring Mary, the mother of us all. (Sponsored by the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality) All the children and teens in the parish are invited to participate in the Crowning in honor of the Blessed Mother at the 9:00 Mass.

Holyday Celebration

This Thursday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of The Lord There will be two Masses in English: 12:05pm & 7:00pm in the Parish Center.

Collection for Seminary

The second collection this weekend is for the support of our seminaries. This collection is essential to help meet the annual operating budget of our seminaries. The seminaries depend upon the continued generosity of all of our parishioners to carry on the important work of priestly formation. This work is very important in the life…