From the Pastor — October 11th, 2020


We are looking at several options, mostly on-line, especially for the lower grades. Our immediate concern is to celebrate First Holy Communion [postponed from last May] on Saturday, October 17th at 10:30am FIRST HOLY COMMUNION.

This will be celebrated in the upper church where masks are required and participants are to sign in and observe social distancing.


In addition to the weekly collection, we are now focusing on the go-fund-me page which can be accessed through the parish website:

Let your family and friends who have/had some connection to the parish know about this campaign. FYI remember also that October is “grand annual” month. More later.


This annual appeal in benefit of the Archdiocese of Boston, continues through the end of the year. As of September 21st, 121 Corpus Christi individuals/households have pledged $15,211 or 55% of our assessment Thank you.


October is also, “head-count” month. Forms are available in the sacristy. Thank you.


There are forms in the upper church sacristy to be completed by volunteers.


In the Archdiocese of Boston, we continue to celebrate the Year of the Eucharist, growing in love and appreciation for this great sacrament. The internet would have a lot of information. Remember the stories which I photocopied and promptly lost:

I believe it was in 1995 when Pope St. John Paul II was in the Washington, DC and Baltimore area, the organizers planned for a brief visit and blessing for the faculty and seminarians of St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore who would be outside in front of the building. At the last minute, the Pope decided that he wanted to visit their chapel. The Swiss Guard and Secret Service had to go through the building with search dogs, floor by floor, room by room, to make certain that the building was secure. All went well until they reached the chapel. The dogs approached the tabernacle barking, refusing to leave because there was someone there! The second story involves a Catholic school in Michigan with had exposition, on the First Fridays, starting with the lower grades. The students told the principal, as they passed her in the corridor, that they had seen Jesus. The principal thought it was cute until she went to the chapel for prayer and saw the image of Jesus’ head on the host in the monstrance. The image remained for several hours.

Fr. Mawn