Author Archives: Ivette

World Mission Sunday

NEXT WEEKEND we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Pope Francis invites the entire Church to support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious and lay leaders serve the world’s most vulnerable communities. Please keep the Pope’s missions in your prayers and be generous in…

Mass Intentions – October 16th to 24th, 2021

Saturday, October 16 4:00pm For all the parishioners, Robert Sacchetti (Anniv.), In thanksgiving (F.F.R.), Richard G. Ferguson, In thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother (F.F.R.), Frazzetto family living & dec’d, In thanksgiving to The Holy Trinity. Sunday, October 17 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am Ita./Eng. Mass- Lauren & Pasquale & Mary Licciardi. 10:30am Robert T.…

Thoughts on Leadership Meeting Changes

In light of the parish’s informational change in leadership meeting held on 9/30, I feel compelled to give my opinion. Unfortunately, Wayne and I were unable to attend, so I am relying on information from several parishioners who attended the meeting to gain perspective on how some of the congregation is reacting. I understand that…