From the Pastor – October 17th, 2021

Gran Annual

Once again we are late getting out the info and request for the Grand Annual by mail. It generally begins in October and could actually be extended through the fiscal year, June 30, 2022. We are operating in the black thanks to the governments small business loan (from your taxes) and your generosity, and the generosity of parish organizations and outside groups such as the St. Alfio society.


Once again we have three collections on a weekend, October 24th. I don’t know how it happened as the business manager and I go through the list of collections for the coming year to make sure that there are not three collections on a given weekend. Anyway, we will repeat what we did recently, namely that we will pass the basket twice for the parish offertory and parish insurance cost, thousands of dollars by the way. We will have a single basket by the ramp exit for the “World Mission” collection.

Fr. Mawn