Word and Deed – August 22nd, 2021

Winning Team

Sports fans can be a predictable group. When their team is winning, they never miss a game! They talk about how great the team is and buy jackets, caps, and anything with the team’s logo. But if the team is struggling or has an off year, fans are hard to find. The seats are empty and everyone is full of criticism and other ‘helpful’ suggestions. There is lots of blame to go around and everyone knows exactly what needs to be done. Of course, there is always next season!

Jesus has quite a few fans, that is, until he says or does something with which they don’t agree. Faced with the harsh realities of faith and spiritual practice, or confronted by a mystery they cannot understand, people walk away. If it is not easy and simple to do, they can’t be bothered. No one gives Jesus any credit and they quickly forget all that He has said and done for them. They dismiss him as crazy or strange and go on with their lives. Even the Apostles express some doubt. But it was Peter who voiced their loyalty and faith: we are convinced you are God’s holy one. They may not have fully understood, but they knew Jesus was the real deal.

Discipleship is about loyalty and faithfulness. It is about perseverance and persistence. We are not fair-weather believers, nor are we easily distracted from our work. We have seen what the Lord can do and we take Him at His word. Do not worry about tough times or difficult moments. We play on a winning team!

James Gaffney,
(C) 2009 Karides Lic. to Saint George Publishing