Word and Deed – July 18th, 2021

I means something

The story is told of an old man who walks along the beach after the tide has gone out. He picks up stranded starfish and tosses them back into the sea. A young man watches him for a while, and then says, “You cannot hope to save all these starfish. What you are doing means nothing to them.” The old man pauses for a moment and then says, “It means something to this one” and continues on his way.

Jesus does not heal the world in one gigantic display of power. He does not preach the Gospel to everyone at one time. He meets people where they are, addressing them in their situation and in their need. He looks into their eyes and offers Himself as well as His message. It is a life-changing encounter for many, and an unsolved mystery for others. To those whose lives and hearts He touched, it made a big difference.

The value of what we do is not determined by the number of people we reach, or the scope of the work we do. Each encounter, each act of kindness, each moment of love means a great deal to the one who receives it. It also has the infinite possibility to change the world, to bring life, and to lead someone to Heaven. The mission of Christ is entrusted to us all and is measured by love, one person at a time.

James Gaffney,
(C) 2009 Karides Lic. to Saint George Publishing