Word and Deed – May 2nd, 2021

The vine and the branch

There are two different ways to spend a day at the beach. The first is to play in the water all day, splashing and riding the waves that roll into shore. The other way is to sit on a dock, occasionally dipping your feet into the water and then retreat to the comfort of the shade or an air conditioned room. But what’s a trip to the beach without a wave or two, or finding a seashell or a small crab? You might as well just stay home!

Some people think that coming to church on Sunday is enough. They put the envelope in the collection basket, receive Communion and then go home. They did their duty. During the week there is little thought of God or faith or church.

Other people come to Church with lots of prayers and good deeds to offer to the Lord, and they leave with a sense of renewal and mission. They put their envelope in too, and it often represents some sacrifice the family made or a special project done just for the church. God is an important part of their lives, and prayer, Scripture and ‘religious stuff’ is part of daily conversation. Church is not a duty; it’s a way of life.

Just like the vine is part of the branch, we are part of Christ and therefore, part of the Church.

A vine needs nourishment from the branch to survive and thrive. So, don’t just hang around church, like an old vine doing nothing; be a part of the action and be a person of faith!

James Gaffney,
Karides Lic. to Saint George Publishing