Word and Deed – May 9th, 2021


Overused and misunderstood, love has become a synonym for like, enjoy, desire, and want. We love everything from a new restaurant, to a pair of shoes, to people we admire.

But to really love means more than just liking someone, or enjoying his or her company. Love means sacrifice and commitment and change. It means we give of ourselves so that someone else will benefit. Love means we act like God acts.

How can you tell when two people are in love? A wise woman used to say that you just have to look in their eyes. Since the eyes were the windows to the soul, you could see the soul glowing in joy and happiness. It is more than a passing interest, physical attraction or a social friendship. Love changes people, making them happier, more content and full of hope.

How can you tell when someone loves God? A wise man named Jesus used to say that you just have to see what they do. When people love God, they also love others. They show respect, kindness, generosity and compassion. It is a love that seeks the good of all, friend and foe alike. We think and act as God does, giving of ourselves for the sake of others. You will know if that love is genuine because it will change hearts, making others happier, more content and full of faith, hope and love.

James Gaffney,
Karides Lic. to Saint George Publishing