From the Pastor – August 8th, 2021

Slow Return

We are starting a slow return to some degree of normalcy. We still have a good number of “things” in storage in Chelmsford. The loose Plexiglass over the church front door was supposed to be removed this week. This will allow us to safely open up the front doors of the church. After Labor Day we will get back to the monthly Anointing of the Sick (in English & Spanish) as well as Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays.

Religious Education

Confirmation Classes are ongoing thanks to Tom and Sue Witham for high school students and others. More info to follow.
First Holy Communion: We are in the process of organizing classes for First and Second graders to meet on Sunday mornings. This will include older students who have not made their First Communion. Mrs. Anita Sapienza (978-685-2159) is looking for help in organizing these classes. Please consider volunteering.
Grades 3 through 8: Would be very welcome to participate in classes at St. Mary’s here in Lawrence. Fr. Israel Rodriguez the pastor and Mrs. Ana Cardenas the full-time Director of Religious Education would welcome any of our younger parishioners to join their 250 religious education students at St. Mary’s. Mrs. Cardenas email address is: She can also be contacted on her cell phone at 978-886-8838.

Parish Fair

Will be held on Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend. We will be accepting donating goods until this Monday, August 9th. Then donations have to be sorted and priced. Also, we ask that purchases NOT be made before Saturday, September 4th.
Remember this is our main fund raiser. You should have received or will receive shortly our annual letter regarding the fair asking for donations and volunteers, with two books of raffle tickets.
Thanks for all you do.

Catholic Appeal 2021

As of July 29th, we had pledge $18,004 or 67% of our parish assessment of $26,709 (bases on our weekly offertory and the monthly maintenance collections). Corpus Christi Parish still owes some $7,000 for our 2020 assessment! If you have not already done so, please consider making a donation to the 2021 Appeal. If there are no special envelopes at the ramp entrance, you could use your own envelopes clearly marked for the Appeal and put in any of our collections which we will forward to the Archdiocese.


Fr. Mawn