From the Pastor – November 14th, 2021

2021 Catholic Appeal

This appeal which fund the Archdiocese of Boston’s central ministries, continues. Corpus Christi Parish has an assessment of $26,709 for 2021. As of November 1st, 146 parishioners had $18,408 leaving us with a balance of $8,301. If you have not yet made a pledge for 2021, please consider doing so.

Their web site can be reached at

Grand Annual

As of November 9th, our Grand Annual collection to benefit the parish, has reached $11,790 towards our goal of $20,000.

2022 Missalettes

The English and Spanish missalettes are on their way. For the new liturgical year which begins on November 27th, we invite you to take one home and bring it with you when you come to church. There should not be any “papers” in the pews. If you take a bulletin on the way in, please take it with you after Mass.

Fr. Mawn